Broadway Announcement
Be More Chill, the musical

At 3pm EST on Tuesday, September 4th without warning, the Be More Chill Instagram page went completely dark. All that was left was one mysterious video with a loading bar up to 33%. Over the next 6 hours, two other videos indicating that there was an "update in process" were posted and archived. The guesses of what was going on bombarded the comment section as fans all over the world stayed up all night to see when the big news would drop. Our 3 (now archived) posts received over 5K comments and 60.5K video views over 19 hours.
At 10am EST on Wednesday, September 5th, the news dropped - Be More Chill was headed to Broadway. To spread this news far and wide, we coordinated 15 Instagram Lives on various press and fan social media accounts to let our cast share the announcement with all of their audiences (a combined potential reach of 1.3 M).
The fans and their excitement for this show on social media is what got this show to where it is today, so sharing that exciting news about a Broadway transfer in a fun and social media-rooted way was integral to our announcement strategy.