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I’m a proud Californian, a frequenter of Chipotle, a fangirl at heart, a repeat viewer of The Office and Nathan For You, an unofficial and vastly under-qualified sommelier, that person who makes a Google Doc for anything and everything, a baked brie fanatic, always down to play the entire game of Monopoly, and an almost comically stereotypical virgo who still loves a good adventure.
Now that we're properly introduced, let's dive in!

I'm a

Lisbon, Portugal
Edinburgh, Scotland
Málaga, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Dublin, Ireland
Mexico City, Mexico
New York City, New York
London, England
Whitefish, Montana
New Orleans, Louisiana
& more!
And before that...

will take any experience and translate that into an opportunity for development, whether personally or professionally. The learning opportunities that I've had make me the person and the marketer that I am today. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
I'm someone who

I have
spent my career developing a deep passion for digital marketing and social media management, especially when it comes to arts & entertainment. I'm a creative, detail-oriented, driven person who loves to share stories and cultivate relationships. There is absolutely nothing more captivating to me than an innovative campaign with a well-thought-through strategy. If you're curious, here's what I've been up to, here's...

I wholeheartedly
believe in any opportunity to share my experiences with people who are just getting started in their careers or who are interested in how social media can benefit their organization. I've even gotten the opportunity to have a platform to share about my experiences and my outlook on the world of digital marketing! If you're looking for someone to speak about these sorts of things, here's my...

I'm passionate about
the causes that I believe in, the values that I uphold, and I don't compromise those things when it comes to the work that I accept. So if you want to work with me, you should know some of...

Now that we've gotten acquainted, I should probably give you my info, yeah?
Contact Me
I'm always looking for fellow freelancers to connect with. If you're a social media manager, graphic designer, video editor, animator, copywriter, community manager, or someone who intersects with any of these jobs, please reach out!

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