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In August of 2021, I was hired by the African-American Shakespeare Company in San Francisco to form a holistic and cohesive digital marketing strategy for the in-house marketing team to adopt. Following an audit of their marketing channels and extensive conversations with the marketing team about their existing strategies and future goals, I prepared a number of internal documents that would set their team up for success. Test

Deliverables included...
A strategy document that outlined goals, campaign ideas, & instructions on how to keep bios, links, & Instagram Story Highlights up-to-date
A content calendar with a quarter's worth of social media post ideas
A tone & voice document that detailed how AASC's brand should extend into social media captions & insights into how to speak to the audience that they're looking to reach
A style guide that defined their visual identity on social media, complete with 5 graphic templates based on content archetypes.
​A personalized list of key dates based on their upcoming shows, organizational ties, & brand goals
Internal documents like social media one-sheets for cast members, Instagram Story takeover guidelines, & questionnaires to gather insights on the cast's social media participation
Social media best practices document with helpful tips & tricks

"Micayla created a plan for us that was unique, streamlined, and effective. She was brilliant to work with for my team, and gave us a lot of content moving forward to use for our digital marketing. I would definitely hire and work with Micayla anytime."
Sherri Young
Founder & Executive Director,

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